(last updated 7 July 2015)

Please note information other academic deadlines will be uploaded soon.


MSC – Most Significant Change stories. DEADLINE - Friday 31 July 2015

The process this time is that each cluster should choose one MSC. At the End of Year meeting zones will choose their MSC.  The managers will in turn choose an MSC for each state which will be forwarded to the directors who will select the project MSC to be passed to the British Council and MoE.

MSCs are also part of the project’s PIME (Participatory Impact Monitoring and Evaluation) process and are used by our consultant, NFER, to assess the project’s impact.  NFER have made the following recommendation to mentors when collecting MSCs:


  • Elicit more specific stories rather than general praise or a list of improvements.   
  • Consider writing up the stories instead of asking mentees to do it. This will enable them to focus on the story instead of the writing process.

MSC Deadlines: 

Each cluster needs to have returned their chosen MSC story to their project manager by Friday 31 July 2015.  Every mentor should also send his/her sub-cluster’s chosen MSC story directly to Pat p.bhullar@nfer.ac.uk at NFER.


During the End of Year Zone meetings (Wednesday 12 August - Friday 14 August) each zone will choose their MSC story to be put forward to the managers.

The final MSC needs to be chosen by August 31 2015.



PIME (Participatory Impact Monitoring and Evaluation). DEADLINE - Friday 31 July 2015

Surveys for mentees, pupils and parents need to be submitted electronically by 31 July 2015.  Each PIME mentor is asked to submit a minimum of 10 surveys for each stakeholder group.  Other mentors are encouraged to submit as many as they can, but it is not mandatory.  There is no need to give questionnaires to all students; choose one class you feel would be suitable or use the KPI 5 pupils as a ‘random sample’.  Parents’ surveys can be completed during parent meeting or at other opportunities.  Thank you for your support with this project evaluation.



End of Project KPI reporting. DEADLINE: Friday 21 August 2015

Please find the KPI reporting documents in the download section below. The reporting instruments and criteria are provided for reference.

 In summary, please send the following to Lydiana.Stephen@britishcouncil.org.my by Friday 21 August 2015:
• Completed KPI 1 - 5 self-certification form (see downloads);
• Mentor input log 2015 with predicted hours until 30 September 2015;
• Completed RoA spreadsheet (see downloads for spreadsheet and crieteria) with final and baseline assessments and number of months between assessments for all project teachers
• Completed CEF spreadsheet (see downloads for spreadsheet and criteria) with final and baseline assessments and number of months between assessments for all project teachers
• Completed Pupil assessment spreadsheets (see downloads for spreadsheet and criteria) with final and baseline assessments and number of months between assessments
• 1 example of a completed English Proficiency Annual Development Plan for 1 teacher;
• 3 photos for KPI 4. 
• If you wish to submit your additional hours log with the data please do so. This is optional but will be reported to the ministry as added value.

Please read the guidance notes carefully they provides more information on how to complete end of year reports. If you have any technical difficulties with the spreadsheets please email Lynn.Scarsbrook@Britishcouncil.org.my and cc your PM.