Students dressed in traditional costumes show off the storybooks

(Last updated: 18 August 2015)

If the ELTDP project is extended beyond September 2015 (we are still cautiously optimistic that it will be) and if we are again to work with primary schools in E Malaysia, we need the valuable knowledge that mentors have of teachers and schools, to maximise the effectiveness of any future project. Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could complete the attached spreadsheet by Tuesday 1st September 2015 and send it to Lydiana at:

Notes on completing the spreadsheet:

•Please check that the names of your schools are correct as there have been some changes of schools over the life of the project. If any of your schools in column 3 are incorrect, please write the name of the incorrect school in column 9 and put the correct school name in column 10.


•Column 4: school to continue -use the drop down box to indicate ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘maybe’

•Column 5: add short comments to explain if your response to 4 is ‘no’ or ‘maybe’

•Column 6: to include level 2 -use the drop down box to indicate ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘maybe’

•Column 7: add short comments to explain if your response to 6 is ‘no’ or ‘maybe’

•Column 8-any useful additional information you wish to add (eg names of non-project schools which have expressed an interest in being part of the project)