(last updated 20 July 2015)
Before leaving the project, we presume you will want to close your EPF account. We will stop paying contributions into all EPF accounts in June. This is to ensure that you have sufficient time to close the account and receive your money. If, for some reason, you do not want us to stop paying into your EPF account in June, you must provide Wendy with a written instruction (email) by 5 June stating when exactly you wish us to stop paying into EPF. Please note that delaying the closure of your EPF account may result in difficulties closing the account or receiving the payout.
As stated above, the last contribution will be paid into your EPF account with your June salary, unless you have specifically instructed us to do otherwise by 5 June. This contribution should go into your EPF account by 15 July.
The employer’s contributions for July, August and September will be paid into your salary and the employee’s contributions will no longer be deducted from your salary.