TNE in East Asia now

TNE is of growing importance in East Asia – enrolments in the region have tripled since 2007. In a world where intra-regional student mobility is growing rapidly it is good news as demand for joint degrees is strong.

A UK - Malaysia perspective

TNE is growing faster than direct student recruitment to the UK. In Malaysia, the UK is the leader with more than 80 TNE partnerships and 5 UK campuses with various models.

A few countries account for the majority of enrolments: Malaysia, China, Hong Kong and Singapore. Thailand, the Philippines and Myanmar are rapidly increasing their TNE offers.

TNE benefits

A strong focus on joint delivery and ownership leads to quality improvement.

There is a direct relationship between TNE and the level of a country’s internationalisation, where increasing capacity creates opportunities for mobility, exchanges and joint degrees.

There are also opportunities for expansion and internal review and growth in curriculum development and partnerships through TNE.