According to the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013 – 2025, Malaysia places great importance on education as a means of becoming a developed nation to meet the challenges and demand of a STEM driven economy.
Under the STEM Education programme, a range of projects were delivered comprising International Policy Dialogue, development of resource packs, capacity building training and workshops for STEM educators, ministries, stakeholders and students – with the ultimate aim to nurture students’ keen interest in STEM.
Establishment of National STEM Centre
This project focused on developing a holistic STEM Continuing Professional Development (CPD) framework and capacity building programmes for STEM educators in schools.
Based on the STEM Learning Centre in York, the UK - Malaysia aimed to establish a STEM CPD Centre which provides CPD training for STEM subject teachers including formal and non-formal STEM education and activities.
In collaboration with Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM), two parallel three-day workshops looking at the governance and CPD training were held in preparation for establishing the STEM CPD Centre in Malaysia.
Innovation Club Resource Pack
In collaboration with Ministry of Education and Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT), this project supported the ministry’s initiative in revitalising Innovation Clubs at secondary schools nationwide. This involved developing Innovation Club resource pack as well as building the capacity of local Innovation Club teachers and State Education Officers to run these Innovation Club activities at schools and district levels.