If you’ve not secured a university or college place, if you expect your grades to change your plans or you’re having a last-minute rethink, then there’s good news: it’s not too late. UK universities operate what’s known as ‘Clearing’ – a system specifically designed to match empty university places to applicants who suit them.
What is Clearing?
Clearing is the system employed by UCAS and UK universities at the end of the academic year to fill course places that haven’t been taken. Every year thousands of places are allocated this way, and it’s certainly not a case of getting rid of the courses that nobody wants.
There are lots of reasons why places may not be filled. Clearing is ideal for students who have missed out on the grades they were hoping for – or who got better grades than they expected – and it also helps anyone who has changed their mind about what they want to study. Whatever your situation, Clearing is designed to help you get everything sorted for a course you’ll love.
It's not too late to apply to these universities!