If you’ve not secured a university or college place, if you expect your grades to change your plans or you’re having a last-minute rethink, then there’s good news: it’s not too late. UK universities operate what’s known as ‘Clearing’ – a system specifically designed to match empty university places to applicants who suit them.

What is Clearing?

Clearing is the system employed by UCAS and UK universities at the end of the academic year to fill course places that haven’t been taken. Every year thousands of places are allocated this way, and it’s certainly not a case of getting rid of the courses that nobody wants.

There are lots of reasons why places may not be filled. Clearing is ideal for students who have missed out on the grades they were hoping for – or who got better grades than they expected – and it also helps anyone who has changed their mind about what they want to study. Whatever your situation, Clearing is designed to help you get everything sorted for a course you’ll love. 

It's not too late to apply to these universities!

Birmingham City University (BCU)

Birmingham City University (BCU) welcomes over 24,500 students from over 100 countries to study with us. BCU focus on practice-led, knowledge-based learning, providing you with access to cutting-edge facilities and real-world experience. The University enjoys around 50 professional accreditations and has a well-established reputation for delivering in-company training and development programmes.

Courses for Clearing:

More Courses:


Contact: Lisa.Hwang@bcu.ac.uk



Falmouth University

At Falmouth University our mission is simple – to help you get a great job in the creative industries. We’ve been a hub of creative thinking and design innovation for over 120 years, in the inspiring region of Cornwall. Today, our portfolio of courses represents the breadth of the creative industries spanning art, design and fashion, to gaming, music and film.

Courses for clearning 

Art and Design
Games and Computing
Performance, Theatre and Music
Animation, Film and TV

Northumbria University

Students from all over the world choose Northumbria University for many reasons; our academic excellence, our top 10 graduate employment record, and our vibrant city-centre location, regularly voted the best UK student city. We really have something to offer everyone! These pages will provide you with all the information needed to guide you through each stage of the process, from application to arrival.

Courses available for Clearing:

Information for Malaysian:


Information for other international students:


Contact: malaysiaoffice@northumbria.ac.uk

The University of Sheffield

The University is one of the 24 universities that make up the Russell Group. Members of this group are committed to maintaining the very best research, an outstanding teaching and learning experience and unrivalled links with business and the public sector. We ranked 95th in the world, 17th in the UK and second in Yorkshire and the Humber in the 2022 QS World University Rankings, with our outstanding performance for excellent teaching and research, as part of a genuinely global community, is consistently confirmed by international independent assessments.

Courses available for Clearing:

More Courses: www.sheffield.ac.uk/clearing


Contact: seao@sheffield.ac.uk

University of Southampton

It's not too late to apply to a world top 100 university for September 2021. 

Joining the University of Southampton means learning from academics tackling our world's most significant issues, from climate change to the coronavirus pandemic.

What are you waiting for? Find out more today!

Courses available for Clearing:

More Courses: International Clearing and Adjustment | University of Southampton


Contact: E.Eyres@southampton.ac.uk

University of Sussex

Situated in a national park, 9 minutes to the city of Brighton, University of Sussex focused on providing its students and staff with a safe environment to learn and live during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our campus is currently open and with the successful roll out of the UK vaccination programmes, the University is optimistic that from September 2021, the main form of teaching will be in-person, on campus.

Courses available for Clearing:


More courses: University Clearing and Adjustment: University of Sussex

Contact: Lillian.Chua@sussex.ac.uk